English language arts

Rossetti Poetry Detailed Language Analysis
Very detailed about 2500 words and 8 pages. Every poem has been analysed with technical terminology and a quote from the poem to back up every language devise picked up on. Poems covered are :
From the Antique
Goblin Market
Good Friday
Shut Out
Maude Clare
Soeur Louise of Misericorde
No Thank You John
In the Round Tower of Jhansi
SONG: When I am dead, my dearest
Up- Hill
A Birthday
Winter: My Secret

GCSE English Literature - Of Mice and Men A* Standard extremely detailed Revison Notes
Includes detailed notes on the whole topic, quotation bank on each key theme loneliness, violence, ranch life ect , chapter breakdown of key moments, quotation bank and description for every character, key scene break down with key quotes picked out, writing structure and more. Total of 22 pages and 9228 words VERY DETAILED for those looking to get an A*.

GCSE English Literature - DNA A* Standard extremely detailed Revision Notes
Includes detailed notes on the whole topic key moments, quotations and description for characters, key scene break down with key quotes picked out, writing structure, potential questions and more. Total of 10 pages and 3129 words VERY DETAILED for those looking to get an A*

The Tempest By Shakespeare - Context and Theory
Some context and theory on The Tempest including key contextual links to other books and more. Also, some analysis points.

Poetry Analysis - Technical Terminology
About 35 different terms with definitions and examples which can be used to analyse poetry.

English AS: Rossetti Context
Context on Christina Rossetti poetry. Topics range from early life, religion, acts during her reign. 4 pages of detailed bullet points.

Streetcar Named Desire Contet and Theory
Two type includes the best theory points to use as part of your essay clearly explained with specific details as well as thorough context on the time period the play is set.

1984 Context and Theory
Type up of large range of vital theories linking to 1984 and specific and thorough information on Soviet Russia and Stalin with links to the novel. Total of 8 pages and over 2000 words.

1984 George Orwell - Quotes Bank
Quotes by topic total of 5 pages and over 160 quotes. Memorise all to be on for getting an A/A*. Note: for mainly part one of the book. However, some quotes on part two also included.
Psychological Manipulation
Control of Information, Time and History
Physical Control
Big Brother
Sexual Repression

ANALYSED Christina Rossetti's Poems: AS English Literature:
12 of Christiana Rossetti's poems analysed meaning a thesis statement is provided and structure, language and context broken down. Detailed, 16 pages and over 5700 words.
1. Goblin Market
2. From the Antique
3. Good Friday
4. Maude Clare
5. Shut Out
6. Twice
7. No Thank you John
8. Echo
9. SONG: When I am dead my dearest
10. Remember
11. In the round tower at Jhansi
12. Up-Hill

English Activity Worksheet - Inc story, poetry, creative writing questions
6 pages
2 stories accompanied by detailed questions to be answers in the form of essays.
2 poems accompanied by detailed questions to be answers in the form of essays and a chance for students to write their own poem.
3 pictures and a challenge to write a descriptive piece on each picture.
A news article and a questions which ask students to write persuasive essays/letters related to the news article provided.

English Questions - Story and Poem followed by specific questions
2 pages
A story which is followed by multiple detailed questions which should be answered in the form of an essay.
A poem which is followed by multiple detailed questions which should be answered in the form of an essay.
A chance for the children to write a poem and story inspired by those they read.
A chance for the children to analyse a book they have read also.